There’s few things that are more annoying than starting Microsoft Office, start writing and then spend 10 minutes figuring out how to f*#&(“=+ structure your content in subheadings.
Here’s how you do it and make Word remember it until next time so you don’t have to!
- Find the “Styles” area and click the most bottom arrow
- Click the Apply Styles button
- Still with me? Click the Styles button
- Click the Manage Styles button
- Finally here 🙂
– Choose the headers (or other styles) you want to show by default. (red)
– Click the Show button to make the elements visible in the Styles menu (green)
– And here’s the magic: check the “New documents based on this template” radio button to make Microsoft Word remember the settings in the next created document. (blue)
Congratulations, you just saved yourself some money not spent on a smashed keyboard 🙂